Cereals and Grains Used in Cooking
The terms “cereals” and “grains” are used interchangeably in old cookbooks. Cereal refers to grasses cultivated for their edible grains, such as wheat, rice, and corn. Grain is a broader term that includes the seeds of various plants, including cereals and legumes. Essentially, all cereals are grains, but not all grains are cereals.
Grains may be considered perfect food in themselves, as they contain all the food elements in nearly right proportions. Rice is an exception to this, the starch being in excess.
In cooking grains in the form of porridges, they should be introduced into rapidly salted water, beating with a batter whisk so that the grains may be thoroughly mixed with the water and be free from lumps. In cooking coarse grains, as cracked wheat, pearl barley, hominy, etc., keep them boiling, stirring occasionally until the grain does not sink to the bottom, but hangs suspended in the water. If the inner part of a double boiler has been used, it may now be set into the outer boiler, which should be placed on the range where the water will boil rapidly. Replenish the water in the outside boiler from time to time with boiling water.
By setting the grain in boiling water, the indigestible outer portion or cellulose is more completely broken up, and the starch granules are more thoroughly acted upon by the water.Tthe object is to cook the starch and the gluten as thoroughly as possible. The cooking should be continuous and the length of time varies according to the varying proportion of gluten in the grain. The larger percentage of starch, the shorter the time required in cooking. Grains combine nicely with fruits, and may be cooked or served with either fruit or fruit juices.
Rye is a grain that grows very much like wheat, but it can be cultivated in poorer soil and colder climates. It is not used alone to any great extent for anything except the making of bread. It is particularly well adapted for this purpose, since it contains a large amount of gluten, the food substance necessary for successful bread making. Bread made of rye flour has a dark color and a peculiar flavor, and while these characteristics make it unpopular with some persons, it is used extensively by certain classes, especially persons from foreign countries. Besides its use for bread, rye is frequently combined with other cereals in the manufacture of ready-to-eat cereal foods.
Buckwheat is used less extensively than any of the other cereals, but it has an advantage over them in that it thrives in soil that is too poor for any other crop. The buckwheat plant grows to a height of about 2 feet and blossoms with a white flower. Its seeds, which are three-cornered in shape, bear a close resemblance to beechnuts, and because of this peculiar similarity, this cereal was originally called beech wheat. Practically the only use to which buckwheat is put is to grind it into very fine flour for griddle cakes.
Millet as a cereal food finds practically no use in the United States. In fact, in this country it is grown almost exclusively for cattle food, the stalk of the plant being large and juicy and containing a considerable amount of food. The seed of this plant furnishes the smallest grain known for use as food, and because of its size it is very hard to gather.
Barley is a grain, or cereal, that grows very much like wheat. However, it is hardier than wheat or any other cereals and may be grown through a greater range of climates. Barley has been cultivated from the most ancient times; in fact, its cultivation can be traced as far back as man’s occupations have been recorded.
Although several varieties of barley have been cultivated as food from the earliest times, the grain is now used principally in the manufacture of malt. In this form, it is used for the malting of foods and in the making of alcoholic liquors. To produce malt, the barley grains are moistened and allowed to sprout, and during this process of sprouting, the starch of the barley is changed to sugar. The grains are then dried, and the sprouts are broken off and sold as cattle food. The grain that remains, which is really malt, is then crushed and combined with other grains for use as malted cereal food.
In the United States, pearl barley is the name applied to the most common form of barley used as food. In this form, the layer of bran is removed from the outside of the barley grain, but no change is made in the grain itself. Pearl barley is used for soups and as a breakfast cereal, but it requires very long cooking to make it palatable. Often, the water in which a small amount of pearl barley has been cooked is used to dilute the milk given to a child who has indigestion or who is not able to take whole milk.
As a breakfast cereal, the only satisfactory way in which to prepare pearl barley is to cook it in a double boiler. After it is cooked in this way it may be used to prepare other breakfast dishes. Barley is not liked by everybody. Nevertheless, it is an excellent food and its nature is such that even after long cooking it remains so firm as to require thorough mastication, which is the first great step in the digestion of starchy foods.
Cooked barley that is left over from a meal should not be wasted. That which has been cooked without fruit may be added to meat stock or used with vegetables for soup. Also, cooked barley that has had time to set and become stiff may be sautéd in butter until it is slightly brown. When served with meat gravy, barley prepared in this manner makes a very appetizing and satisfying luncheon dish.
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