Nut Loaf as a Meat Substitute

Nut Loaf as a Meat Substitute

These nut loaf recipes contain no flour. I’ve never eaten a nut loaf, but they seem to be a dense food. According to one 1800s cookbook, “A nut loaf can take the place of meat at dinner.”

The first two recipes are written narrative style, which was normal during the first half of the century. Later, cookbooks began putting ingredients in a list. Since people cooked on wood burning stoves, cooking times are vague. You were supposed to know how to regulate the heat by using various types of wood.


Mix two cups bread crumbs, one cup chopped walnuts, one-half cup butter, one cup strained tomatoes, one small grated onion, one egg, and salt and pepper to taste. Pack in a can and steam one hour.

Take an equal quantity of walnut, hickory-nut, almond, and pecan meats and chop fine. To each cup of nut meats have one-half cup of chopped fruit, using dates, figs, raisins or candied cherries. Work the fruit and nuts well together. For each cup of this mixture, take one cup of fondant. Melt the fondant, stir the fruit and nut mixture into it, then remove and knead. Form this into an oblong loaf and flatten on top. Cover with paraffin paper and let it stand for several days until the fruit and nuts are well blended with the fondant. Cut into slices and serve.

• Two cups soft stale bread crumbs .
• One-fourth teaspoon paprika.
• One cup nut meats finely chopped.
• One egg slightly beaten.
• One teaspoon salt.
• Three tablespoons sausage fat or butter.
• One-half teaspoon poultry seasoning.
• One-half cup boiling water.

Mix in the order given. Pack in a deep greased pan, and bake in a moderate oven* half an hour. Turn out on a platter, and serve with cheese sauce.

*moderate oven – about 350-400 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Two tablespoons raw nut butter.
• One-third cup whole peanuts cooked almost tender.
• One-half cup each chopped or ground pecans, almonds and filberts (hazelnuts), and hickory nuts.
• Two cups stale bread crumbs pressed firmly into the cup.
• Salt to your taste.
• Three-fourths to one cup water or one cup of milk. 

The quantity of liquid will depend upon the crumbs and other conditions. 

Mix all together and put into an oiled mold or can. Cover and steam three hours. Serve with a  sauce. The loaf may be served cold in slices, or dipped in egg and crumbs, and baked as cutlets.

Other nuts may be substituted for peanuts.

One-half cup black walnuts and one and one-half cup cooked peanuts, chopped, make a good combination. A delicate flavoring of sage, savory or onion is not out of place.

• Two cups celery cut in half-inch pieces. 
• One-half cup chopped nut meats.
• Two cups hot mashed potato.
• Two tablespoons butter.
• One egg slightly beaten.
• One teaspoon salt.
• One-half teaspoon paprika.
• One teaspoon grated onion.

Cook the celery in boiling salted water about half an hour or until tender, then drain. Add other ingredients in the order given. Mix well, pack in a deep greased pan, and bake in a moderate oven about half an hour. Turn out on a platter and serve with tomato sauce.

• Two breakfast cups* bread-crumbs.
• Two medium Spanish onions, or two tomatoes.
• Two breakfast cups ground nuts

Any shelled nuts may be used for this roast. Some prefer one kind only; others like them mixed. Almonds, pine-kernels, new Brazil nuts, and new walnuts are nice alone. Old hazel nuts and walnuts are nicer mixed with pine-kernels. A good mixture is one consisting of equal quantities of blanched almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts, and pine-kernels. Where strict economy is a consideration, peanuts may be used. 

Put a few of each kind alternately into the food chopper and grind until you have enough to fill two cups. Mix with the same quantity of breadcrumbs. Grate the onions, discard all tough pieces, using the soft pulp and juice only. If onions are disliked, skin and mash two tomatoes for the same purpose. Or one onion and one tomato may be used. Mix the nuts and crumbs to a very stiff paste. 

Well grease a pie-dish, fill it with the mixture, spread a few pieces of butter on the top, and bake until brown.

*breakfast cup – one-half pint or 8 ounces.


Click here for a modern nut loaf recipe on the BBC website.

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