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Category: Meat

Cooking Pigs’ Feet

Cooking Pigs’ Feet

When people butchered a pig in the 1800s, no part of the animal went to waste. I’ve never seen fresh pigs’ feet in the grocery store, but I have seen pickled pigs’ feet in glass jars.  INFORMATION BELOW FROM 1800s COOKBOOKS FRIED PIGS’ FEET Thoroughly burn all the hairs off with a poker heated to a white heat. Then scald the feet and wipe them dry. Put them over the fire to boil in cold water, with two ounces each…

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Roast Goose and Christmas Goose Pie

Roast Goose and Christmas Goose Pie

“A goose must never be eaten the same day it is killed. If the weather is cold, it should be kept a week before using. A goose, from its profusion of feathers, looks like a large bird when walking about, but when plucked and prepared for the spit, it will be found very deceptive. It is much more hollow than a turkey and except for the breast, there is but little eating on it. In large families, it is usual…

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Ways to Preserve Meat Without Refrigeration

Ways to Preserve Meat Without Refrigeration

Without electric refrigeration, people had to find various ways to keep meat fresh, especially in summer. Some methods could keep it fresh a few days or perhaps a week, and other methods could preserve it for much longer.  INFORMATION BELOW FROM 1800s COOKBOOKS TO KEEP MEAT FRESH Where persons live a distance from market and have no fresh meat but what they kill, it is important to know how to keep it fresh. Hang up joints of meat if not…

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Many Ways to Cook Bacon

Many Ways to Cook Bacon

Bacon is pork meat that is salt-cured. Most bacon in the U.S. is pork cut from the side of the pig. It has long layers of fat that run parallel to the rind, and often called streaky bacon. Bacon in the U.K. is usually back bacon, which comes from the loin in the middle of the back of the pig, and is sometimes called Canadian bacon. I love the smell of bacon cooking and the taste is wonderful. I’ve only…

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How to Cook Kidneys

How to Cook Kidneys

Beef and sheep’s kidneys are often recommended for food on account of their cheapness. Although there are many ways to cook them, they are an acquired taste. INFORMATION BELOW FROM 1800s COOKBOOKS BROILED KIDNEYS Mix together in a deep plate the following ingredients: one ounce butter, one-half teaspoon pepper, one teaspoon each of mustard and any table sauce or vinegar, and as much cayenne as you can take up on the point of a small penknife blade. Toast half a…

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Interesting Ways to Cook Chicken

Interesting Ways to Cook Chicken

In the 1800s, people raised chickens for food or purchased them whole from the butcher. It took a lot longer to prepare chicken in those days, especially having to cook on wood burning stoves and without oven thermometers. But people still wanted variety in their meals, and looked to cookbooks for recipes. RECIPES  BELOW FROM 1800s COOKBOOKS SPANISH CHICKEN STEW Clean and joint two spring chickens. Brown in butter and add five sliced onions, a can of tomatoes, four cloves…

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Larding and Daubing Lean Meat

Larding and Daubing Lean Meat

Many kinds of meat which are very lean and dry are improved by the addition of some kind of fat. Larding is accomplished by cutting strips of salt pork lengthwise with the rind two inches long and one quarter inch wide, and with aid of the larding needle, drawing these pieces through the surface of the meat, taking a stitch an inch long and a quarter inch deep. The tenderloin or fillet of beef, the thick part of the leg…

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