About Sago and How to Use It
Put a teacupful of sago into a quart of water, and a bit of lemon peel. When thickened, grate some ginger, and add half a pint of raisin wine, brown sugar, and two spoonfuls of Geneva.* Boil all up together. It is a most supporting thing for those whom disease has left very feeble.
*Geneva – an alternative name for jenever or genever, a juniper-flavored traditional spirit originating from the Netherlands and Belgium, distinctly different from English-style gin.
Any kind of stock may be used in making this soup, though chicken and mutton stock are generally considered preferable. Prepare the sago by steaming or boiling till well cooked, and add to the stock, which should be at boiling temperature. Season and serve.
Soak half a cup of German sago for four hours in a large cup of cold water. An hour before dinner, put a quart of your soup-stock on the stove and bring quickly almost to a boil. When it is hot, stir in the raw white and the shell of an egg, stirring frequently to prevent the egg from catching on the bottom of the pot. Boil fast ten minutes.
Take off and strain through a clean thick cloth, wrung out in hot water and laid like a lining in your colander. Do not squeeze the cloth, or you will muddy the soup.
Return the liquid when strained to the saucepan, which must be perfectly clean. Stir in the soaked sago and a teaspoon of minced parsley, and simmer half an hour on the side of the range. If necessary, add a little more seasoning.
When you have made nice clear soup once, you may, if you like, color the second supply with a little “caramel-water.”
This is made by putting a tablespoon of sugar in a tin cup and setting it over the fire until it breaks up into brown bubbles, then pouring a few tablespoons of boiling water on it and stirring it until dissolved. A tablespoon of this in a quart of clear soup will give a fine amber color and not injure the flavor. Send all soups to table very hot.
To prevent the earthy taste, soak it in cold water an hour. Pour that off and wash it well, and boil it slowly and wholly with new milk. It swells so much that a small quantity will be sufficient for a quart, and when done it will be diminished to about a pint. It requires no sugar or flavoring.
Wash and soak one-third cup of sago in a little cold water. Stir one and one-half cups of rolled oats into one quart of salted, boiling water. Cook for fifteen minutes, then stir in the sago and cook as much longer. Serve with cream, stewed fruit, or fruit juice.
Boil a quarter of a pound of sago in a pint of new milk, till it is very thick. Stir in a large piece of butter, add sugar and nutmeg to your taste, and four eggs. Boil it an hour. Pour some wine sauce over it.
Wash half a pound of sago in several waters. Put it on to boil in a quart of milk with a stick of cinnamon. Stir it very frequently, for it is apt to burn. When it becomes quite thick, take out the cinnamon, stir it in half a pound of butter, and an equal quantity of sugar, with a gill* of wine. When cold, add six eggs and four ounces of currants that have been plumped in hot water. Bake it in a paste.*
*gill or jill – a liquid measurement; four ounces (1/2 cup) in the U.S. and five ounces in the U.K.
*paste – crust or dough, like for pies.
Pare and core the apples, then put sugar and cinnamon in the holes. Take as many tablespoons of sago as you have apples. Mix it with a little cold water and turn in as much boiling water as will fill the dish. Stir till it thickens, then cover up for two hours, and let it thoroughly swell. Then pour it over the apples, and bake about three hours. Mix sugar and cream for sauce.
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